7 Travel Essentials for Your Solo Road Trip

Whether you are taking a trip in your car or a rented RV, planning for your journey ahead of time can help you enjoy, or at least have a decent trip. I’ve been on a couple of road trips myself and I’m not going to lie to you, it can get really exhausting if you do not have activities planned out. Of course, it’s okay to go with the flow — if the flow doesn’t make you want to sell your soul for the ability to teleport the vehicle to your destination. 

In today’s article, I highlight some of the things you can do to ensure you do not go into a meltdown while journeying alone. 

Determine if Your Vehicle Can Stick Through the Ride

You do not want to travel alone in a vehicle that breaks down in the middle of nowhere without cell service. Your situation might not be this dare and you might be able to get someone to fix the fault if you can’t do it yourself, but that just puts a damper on the mood. 

So, before embarking on your journey, make sure your vehicle is in the best state possible. It’s best to do this before your travel date, so you have enough time to do as much servicing and fixing as is needed.

Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

This is definitely one of the most important items on this list. The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that 100,000 traffic crashes occur every year as a result of drowsy driving. Out of this number over 1,500 deaths and 70,000 injuries are recorded.  

You might shrug it off because you don’t think it can be you, but I’m sure 50% of those people did not think it would be them either. You’re not a superhuman, even if you like to think that way. Take breaks and sleep when you feel drowsy. You can pack a pillow and blanket to make yourself more comfortable in your vehicle if you do not intend to pay for lodging.  

Say Hello to Your Radio

I have a few friends who swear they cannot be caught dead listening to the radio because yeah you guessed right; they have their phones. Depending on the length of your trip, you could shuffle between listening to your personal playlist or just be a good old chap and listen to the radio. 

I don’t listen to my radio as much as I would love to, but I assure you that you would find something that interests you in the channel selection and if you don’t, you might just have to stick to your own playlist. It’s best to prepare a playlist beforehand. Your playlist can comprise anything from songs and podcasts to speeches and audiobooks. 

Keep Yourself in Check

Self-discipline is very important during road trips. It’s not just about the planning you do before setting out, it’s a lot more about your ability to put yourself in check. This isn’t a time to overindulge in sweets or alcoholic beverages. Getting sick is not going to look good on you and it definitely would not bode well on the timely completion of your trip. You should also have an estimated schedule for your trip so that you do not waste time on things that are not on your itinerary. 

Use a Map

It might seem like a given but a lot of people still believe that they have certain routes memorized and do not need the help of a map. Of course, you might still know how to get to your destination, but it wouldn’t hurt to make use of a map. You could use multiple maps. Some people use Google Maps and still swear by Waze.

Take a Break

It doesn’t necessarily have to be long. You could just get out for a bit to stretch your legs. It’s very important that you do not push yourself so hard. Taking a break to refresh yourself would do your body a load of good. You can plan your breaks ahead of time so that you stop at locations that you find alluring and wouldn’t that be a nice addition to your photo gallery and travel catalog?

Don’t Forget Your Travel Kit

You never know what might happen, so it’s best to be ready. Things like a first aid kit, flashlight, spare tire (which you should always have anyway), roadside emergency kit, maps, camera, refreshments, and of course some money would go a long way in making your road trip a lot more stress-free.